not that I’m any scholar by any means, but I was reading the comments again today and wondered about the people out there that don’t have the support that Marisa and I have. I couldn’t imagine. When we went for Marisa’s first IV chemo, about 80 % of the patients had loved ones with them but the others didn’t. Where is their support?

Learning is a good skill to have, regardless what age you are and Marisa and I are on a HUGE learning curve. I’m going to ask Marisa what she wants to learn from this whole ordeal but I know what I’d like people to learn from this….

For those that know me know that I’m not one to take things for granted on a daily basis. I used to set my watch to beep every 30 minutes to make sure those 30 minutes were more fulfilling than the last 30. So I hope that today, in your own little way, you take your thankfulness and do something with it in a tangible way. Let me know how it goes.
I’ve always been thankful for Marisa. And I continue to be. She still makes me laugh, even after she threw up this morning, 5 minutes later I asked her how her stomach feels. She said “well it’s not chipper”. Classic Marisa

It’s hard to be thankful when things are tough like they have been but we are trying. We are bent but surely not broken. thanks for all your comments. I said it before and I will say it everytime, Marisa get strength from it.

thanks again,
