So Jesus does the unimaginable. 

He knows He is going to die.  He is on the cross, He calls out, but continues on.  He shows the celestial courage to suffer.

Then He rises.  He goes to His friends and tells them to check out His hands.

His hands still show the crucifixion.  But He is perfect.

He shows His scars, His wounds but he is still raised.

and because of that….

Marisa can do the unthinkable.

They tell her she is going to die.  She is riding the dragon of cancer, she calls out, but continues on. 

She shows the celestial courage to suffer.

And now she is perfect.

Her scars tell a story.  A difficult, painful, tiring, heart wrenching, complicated, expensive and wonderful story.

Her story brings tears to my eyes.  Some tears of joy. 

But mostly tears of pain.

Because I’m not perfect…yet.


I wish you a Blessed Easter.