You are currently browsing the monthly archive for March 2009.

At the top of the left column, there is a link that will allow you to donate to receive a DVD. This link will bring you to a secure site called Paypal. You are able to enter your donation without logging in. The link to continue without logging in is near the bottom left of the page that will pop up.

You will be asked to fill in your address and that address will be the one that the DVD is sent to.

Thank you and ‘enjoy’ the DVD.

Peace to you,


I have finally realized what my life has become at this point.

I am a professional wiper.

I wipe.

Wipe for a dirty diaper.  Wipe for the 3rd spilled cup of milk of that supper.  Wipe the counter.  Wipe away a tear.  Wipe the floor from Zekijah who snuck into the the cracker cupboard. 

Wipe the counter again. 

Wipe a bum.  Wipe the shampoo bubble out of the eyes.  Wipe a runny nose. 

Wipe away another tear.

Wipe away the sleep from the eye in the morning.  Wipe out when the kids are chasing me for tag.


Sometimes it makes me wiped.

Shine On DVD

This DVD is of a concert put on by Marisa's family that raised funds for a yearly scholarship in Marisa's name.

Donate Now to receive a DVD