A number of people have said to me that they often read the blog but do not post a comment in fear of not being able to articulate something ‘nice’.  Forget nice, this is cancer.

Don’t worry about being articulate or even appropriate.  Marisa (and I) feel so much strength through your comments.  During the low days of the first cycle, Marisa would lie in bed and I would read your comments to her.  Some days your comments were her only source of smiling.

So, in the spirit of not knowing what to write, just feel free to write anything.  Even if it is just hello.  And also, if you rather not have your comment posted on the weblog for everyone to read, just let us know–we have to approve each comment before they are posted.

We just spent the last five days partying as Marisa was finished her first cycle and today the second cycle started at home and tomorrow we go to the cancer clinic.  Thank you for all the meals, well wishes, cards, notes, jokes and above all prayers.

